Men's Shed
Dear family, 20.03.2020
Last Wednesday night your Church Council, comprising Rex, Cherrie, Bill, Sue, Glenys, Dianne, Darryl, Sue and I, met in prayer to our Heavenly Father, seeking His presence and wisdom for our Bayside Uniting Church and community.
We were advised by the Moderator David Baker that Synod, in consultation with Presbytery leaders, had determined that “face-to-face congregational worship services and meetings should cease effective immediately”. We also received Uniting Care/Blue Care advice via Jenny Sweeney that many restrictions are being implemented in relation to their residents and staff. The government/s (Romans 13:1) are also providing clear advice.
As a result of these directives, Church Council agreed to advise all our people that our traditional gatherings are being suspended until further notice in order to protect the elderly and vulnerable. This will include groups such as Playgroup, Chat, Chew & Craft, Messy Church and other gatherings of our people. So, we will NOT meet Sunday physically at Wondall Rd or Wesleyville, until further notice.
Some aids to worship may be available soon via our website, email, and/or printed. We are being encouraged to support each other during the weeks ahead. Please phone Ali at the Office 07 3890 2395 if you have a specific need.
Your Pastoral Carer will be in touch with you soon to determine how best we may be able to assist you in these challenging times. You are precious to the Lord and to us!
Joni Eareckson Tada states “In the worst of times, Christians can and should be at their best. For we are people of the Word, who believe the world belongs to our sovereign Lord. His rule extends over everything”. Psalm 33:11 “The counsel of the Lord stands forever,
the plans of His heart to all generations”.
We may not be able to touch each other’s hand at the moment, but our hearts must be united as we remember, our Shepherd’s heart and hands are available to hold…
In Jesus, Craig B.
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